What happens in Mitral Valve Repair Surgery?

Heart problems can be hereditary or develop later in life due to a variety of reasons. Acquired valvular conditions are typically induced by rheumatic fever in childhood or by getting older. Furthermore, conditions like a heart attack may cause damage to the mitral valve, which is one of the heart's valves.

Someone with a faulty mitral valve gets surgery to replace or can get Mitral Valve Repair in India with Dr. Sujay Shad at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. He is an experienced senior heart and offers patients with best and most effective results. 

Learn more on this surgery in this guide by Dr. Sujay Shad. 
What is the Function of Mitral Valve?

The mitral valve is found between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart. Its structure consists of two leaflets. The blood travels from the lung to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins, then through the mitral valve to the left ventricle.
When the ventricle fills with blood, the heart contracts and the aorta circulates it throughout the body. While the blood is being pumped, the mitral valve closes to prevent the pumped blood from returning to the left atrium due to the aortic valve opening. At the end of this phase, the heart may resume its usual function.
What is Mitral Valve Disease?

Although tricuspid valve calcification is uncommon in adults, particularly in the aortic and mitral valves, it can cause stenosis or leakage. These medical conditions may produce valve abnormalities, making it difficult for an individual to perform activities requiring effort, such as climbing stairs, that one could previously achieve without difficulty. Mitral valve problems can cause a variety of symptoms and diseases, including shortness of breath, weariness, heart failure, and rhythm problems.

Patients with mitral valve disease may have difficulty passing blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle, and blood may flow back from the end ventricle to the left atrium. Because mitral valve conditions that are not detected in their early stages have an insidious course, the disease's symptoms develop concerns as the condition worsens. 

Symptoms of mitral valve disease include:

  1. Shortness of breath

  2. Chest pain

  3. Bloody sputum

  4. Tiredness

  5. Palpitations

Symptoms of mitral prolapse

  1. Mitral prolapse is a problem that occurs when the mitral valve on the left side of the heart does not close properly. It can occur as a result of the valves being extremely broad and folding towards the atrium. This could be due to one of the leaves being larger or differently shaped than the other.

  2. Mitral prolapse may not be recognized until adulthood because it is typically asymptomatic and does not impair daily activities. If the symptoms associated with mitral valve prolapse are known at the time of diagnosis in children, they can be distinguished from those of other heart conditions.

Mitral Valve Repair

  1. Mitral valve repair can be performed to alleviate problems such as stenosis and deficiency in the mitral valve while keeping its structure and avoiding the need for replacement.

  2. Artificial valves cannot be used to replace the patient's mitral valve during this treatment. It may be beneficial to use various procedures to repair the damaged parts of the valve.

  3. Mitral valve repair is always the best option for treating mitral valve disease. The condition of the cover must be appropriate for this. Mitral valve repair is only possible if the problems are not severe.

Mitral Valve Replacement

  1. When mitral valve repair is not achievable, mitral valve replacement is considered. After the mitral valve is removed surgically, a mechanical or biological valve will be placed in its place. You can learn more on this with Dr. Sujay Shad, a senior Heart Doctor in Delhi.

  2. Mitral valve replacement may be performed in cases of severe stenosis of the heart valves or in cases where both diseases coexist, significant calcification of the valve, clots in front of the valve or inside the heart, and cardiac rhythm problems.

  3. If a mechanical valve is used for mitral valve replacement, the patient will need to take anticoagulants for the rest of his or her life. Biological valves such as those found in pigs, cattle, and humans are used in valve replacement. If a biological heart valve, also known as a bioprosthesis, is inserted, the patient does not need to use blood thinners. A second operation may be required since there is degradation of the biological valves over time.

  4. One of the most significant concerns to address after mitral valve surgery is the patient's regular use of blood thinners and other medications prescribed by their physician.

  5. After surgery, the healing phase normally takes 6 to 8 weeks. During the healing time, breathing exercises and compression stockings should be used. The incision remains visible after the surgical procedure. This scar gradually fades during the healing process, depending on factors such as the patient's skin structure.

To get advice for mitral valve repair in Delhi  consult with the topmost heart surgeon, Dr. Sujay Shad! If the mitral valve does not work properly it can lead to heart valve disease. Heart valve surgery is recommended to repair the faulty valve in the heart.

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Dr. Sujay Shad

Dr Sujay Shad is Professor and Senior Consultant of Heart Surgery and Director of Heart Transplants, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi.